
RVS 04.01.11 Environmental Assessment


This guideline defines the content and the methodological requirements for environmental assessments in different planning phases. As part of the “RVS” (Guidelines and Regulations for Highway Construction) the methods are applicable especially for the planning of federal highways (new constructions and expansions).
Furthermore, this RVS can be applied to all transport infrastructure projects, for which environmental assessments are necessary. The scope of work as well as the processing depth shall be adapted depending on the specific project.
The document serves as a general interdisciplinary framework dealing with fundamental objectives, approaches and methods for all topics related to environmental issues. Detailed framework conditions and specialized methods are dealt with in respective other RVS or specialized directives.


1 Field of Application
2 Terminology
3 General Information
4 System delimitation
5 Objectives related to the environmental factors
6 Overview of the planning phases of the transport infrastructure planning
7 Preliminary assessment (VU)
8 Preliminary project (VP)
9 Project optimization
10 Submission project (EP)
11 Project changes after approval (example: federal highways)
12 Acts, guidelines, standards and literature referenced
13 Annex

Seiten 55
Ausgabedatum 01.04.2017
Außerkraft seit 01.01.2022
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